Angle Bead

Profil : Fabricant - Producteur | Réf : PSL65974YH | Pays : China | Devise : | Incoterm : | Export : | Import :

Corner bead may form straight side on the edge line of plaster project to fight break or chap and to protect and strengthen the most fragile part of the plaster.

Its wing may enter the plaster in depths in any edge line strongly.

Corner bead is very important for whitewash for plaster, the construction of building and the finish of building may cause the corner place easy to destroy, using it will make construction easy and may save plenty of time.

Type de l'annonce : Offre de produit

Référence de l'annonce : PSL65974YH

Référence de l'annonceur : REF-82561

Devise :

Catégorie: Other metals

Mots clés : corner bead | angle bead

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