Benzyl cinnamate

Profil : Association | Réf : PSL189073YH | Pays : China | Devise : USD | Incoterm : FOB | Export : | Import :

Product Name: Benzyl cinnamate; Benzyl β-phenylacrylate
CAS No. :103-41-3
Packaging specifications: 25kg cardboard drum
Specifications Model: 98% enterprise standard
Product content: 98%
EINECS No. 203-109-3
Molecular Formula C16H14O2
MW 238.28
Quality Standard: Enterprise Standard
Packing specifications: 25kg
Freezing point :33-35 ℃ 34.8 ℃
Melting point: 39 ℃.
Boiling point: 224 ℃ (1.995 kPa, 15 mm Hg).
Uses: UV absorber. Is mainly used for classes and tanning sunscreen cosmetics. Maximum UV absorption wavelength 3l0μm. Add the amount is typically less than 5%. In addition, also used in the preparation of synthetic ambergris, Oriental flavor, as set deodorant. And are used to make soap, cosmetic raw materials Perfumer Flavor.
Uses for the preparation of man-made Long anchovy aroma, flavor in the East as a set scent is also used in soap, cosmetics and food fruit flavor with the tone of Flavor and Fragrance Materials

Type de l'annonce : Offre de produit

Référence de l'annonce : PSL189073YH

Référence de l'annonceur : REF-118026

Devise : USD

Incoterm : FOB

Catégorie: Other food products

Mots clés : benzyl cinnamate | benzyl 946 phenylacrylate | cas no 103 41 3

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