Black Bean Extract

Profil : Fabricant - Producteur | Réf : PSL368680YH | Pays : China | Devise : | Incoterm : | Export : Oui | Import : Non

CAS NO.:11029-12-2
Active Ingredient: 10:1
Hersaponin 20%-50%
C3G 1%-98%
Sieve Analysis: 100% through 80 mesh
Test Method: HPLC
Black Bean Extract description
Latin Name:Glycine max(L.).Merr.
Part Used:Peel

We are proud to be the pioneer of producing C3G from black been,which will be very potential in the healthcare market in one or two years, as studied.

What is Black Bean Extract?
Black bean extract is extracted from Glycine soja Sieb with grain alcohol solution. It is soluble in water and ethanol. It contains lots of Anthocyanin which is efficient antioxidant. Cyanidin-3-glucoside is the main active ingredient in Anthocyanin. Action: Black soybean extract powder can be used as health food additive or natural color. Black bean extract powder shows pink in acid solution, purplish-red in neutral solution and blue-black in alkaline.

Function of Black Been Extract:
1.Black bean extract used to prevent osteoporosis.
2.Black bean extract will decrease cholesterol and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
4.Black bean extract owning estrogenic effect and reliefing symptom of climacteric syndrome.
5.Black bean extract with the function of preventing cancer, especially prostate cancer and breast cancer and resisting tumor.

Black Been Extract Application:
1.Applied in food field,black bean extract is added as functional food additive.
2.Applied in cosmetics field, black bean extract is widely added into the cosmetics.
3.Applied in pharmaceutical field, black bean extract is mainly used as raw materials.
4.Applied in health product field,black bean extract is widely added into various kinds of health produts.

Type de l'annonce : Offre de produit

Référence de l'annonce : PSL368680YH

Référence de l'annonceur : REF-144091

Catégorie: Vegetable materials used for plaiting, padding, dyeing or tanning

Mots clés : plant extracts

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