cordless hair iron

Profil : Fabricant - Producteur | Réf : PSL51264YH | Pays : Korea Dem Pple Rep Of | Devise : USD | Incoterm : FOB | Export : | Import :

Cordless iron-maximize ease of use wherever you want.
Ceramic-tourmaline coating.
Generates negative ions and far infrared heat.
Switches off automatically after 5-minutes for non use.
30~40mins running time at medium and high temperatures.
Equipped with special Lithium-polymer batteries for longer life.
Reaches a temperature of up to 200’C(400’F) in approximately 2 minutes.
On-off switch and temperature selection-LOW, MEDIUM, AND HIGH(160’C, 180’C, and 200’C) (320’F, 356’F, and 400’F)

Type de l'annonce : Offre de produit

Référence de l'annonce : PSL51264YH

Référence de l'annonceur : REF-77032

Prix : $36.00

Devise : USD

Incoterm : FOB

Quantité minimum d'achat : 1,000pcs

Catégorie: Cosmetic treatment and wellness services

Mots clés : battery hair straightener | cordless iron | ceramic hair iron | cordless straightening iron | hair iron

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