DSHD-0168 Petroleum Products Color Tester

Profil : Fabricant - Producteur | Réf : PSL399461YH | Pays : China | Devise : USD | Incoterm : FOB | Export : Oui | Import : Non

A: Summary
   DSHD-0168 Petroleum Products Color Tester is designed according the SH/T 0168-92 Test Method for Color of Petroleum Products.
The main function of DSHD-0168 Petroleum Products Color Tester is to determine the color of various lubricating oils and other petroleum products. The specific operation steps is to fill test sample into color comparing tube and compare sample color with standard color to ascertain its color number. And refer to the attached color number comparing sheet to find out the similarity between color number of the instrument and color number in standard GB/T6540.

B: Main technical specifications and parameters
1.The instrument is composed of standard color dial, observation lens, light source and color comparing tube.
2.The light source is a 220 V, 100 W, with temperature of 2750±50 K grinding milk white light bulb. After filtering color by milk white glass and sunshine filtering glass, the spectrum characteristics of light gained from sunshine is similar to it. The standard light will change into two parallel lights, which is similar in size, trough plane reflection mirror and prism. The parallel lights will irradiate on sample in the color comparing tube on the color glass of standard color dial evenly and respectively.
3.There are 26 pieces of diameter14 light holes. And standard color glasses having 1-25 color number are installed in the 25 of these holes in sequence. The 26 hole is blank. The color dial is rotated by a hand wheel installed at right side of instrument to choose the correct color during color comparing test. The standard color comparing glass on the color dial should be calibrated by standard color comparing liquids.
4.The color comparing tube is diameter32 mm, 120-130 mm high non-colorful flat bottom glass tube. The color comparing tube is placed into instrument trough a lid on the top of the instrument.
5.The observation lens is composed of concave mirror and separated bar. You can see two semicircle colors through observation lens. The right semicircle is standard color. The light and focus of optical observation lens can be adjusted, so it is easy to be used.

Type de l'annonce : Offre de produit

Référence de l'annonce : PSL399461YH

Référence de l'annonceur : REF-188371

Prix : 1-1000

Devise : USD

Incoterm : FOB

Quantité minimum d'achat : 1

Catégorie: Instruments for physical or chemical analysis

Mots clés : oil color tester | petroleum color tester

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