FREE SAMPLE kiwi fruit wine 750ml 12%vol

Profil : Fabricant - Producteur | Réf : PSL404720YH | Pays : China | Devise : USD | Incoterm : FOB | Export : Oui | Import : Non

About the product
FREE SAMPLE kiwi fruit wine 750ml 12%vol
Jin Zhuxia kiwi fruit wine, originated in 165 BC the Han Emperor period, In 1993, we built the Kiwi manor of million acres in Three Gorges in Yichang, this wine selection wild kiwi fruit from an altitude of 705 meters, 30.5 degrees north of China, its body is golden yellow, fermenting in low temperature 19.5 degrees. It’s beautiful, fruity and with soft tannins.
Nutritional wine, healthy life
Three reasons for nutrition and health:
Lady beauty (rich in VC, tannic acid, tartaric acid)
Men's health (rich in arginine)
1 Jinzhuxia kiwi fruit wine, VC content of 248.6 ~ 296.8 mg/100g, which is 10-12 times more than grape
2 Alcohol degree: 12%vol
3 Single bottle capacity: 750ml, 6 bottles/ 1 box
4 Ingredients: 100% wild organic kiwi fruit juice
5 Application: banquet, business party, Company benefits, gift, daily drinking...

Type de l'annonce : Offre de produit

Référence de l'annonce : PSL404720YH

Référence de l'annonceur : REF-193184

Prix : 15-25

Devise : USD

Incoterm : FOB

Quantité minimum d'achat : 1 bottle

Catégorie: Other wines

Mots clés : fruit wine | kiwi fruit | kiwi fruit wine | wine | healthy wine | beauty wine | sweet wine

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