Suzhou X Chemical offers several nitrate selective ion exchange products based on higher amine functionalitiesand also provides standard Type I and type II strong base anion resins that can be used for nitrateremoval.Although all strong base anion resins prefer nitrate over chloride, at TDS suitable for potable water, thestandard type I and type II resins prefer sulfate over nitrate. This preference can result in dumpingnitrates, acondition where the resin adds nitrate to the finished water instead of removing it.XResin’s nitrate selective resins have increased selectivity for nitrate and prefer nitrate over sulfate andother anions, even at very low TDS. This increased preference prevents nitrate dumping. In waters thathave high sulfate concentrations the nitrate selective resins also enjoy higher operating capacities thancan be obtained from the standard type I and type II anion resins.