Prevents Fungus Mildew Tarnish Cacl2 Packs

Profil : Fabricant - Producteur | Réf : PSL340353YH | Pays : China | Devise : USD | Incoterm : FOB | Export : Oui | Import : Non

Product Description:
TOPDRY H1000 is a standard specification of our shipping container desiccant. With a larger
proportion and more adsorbent materials, it extracts water vapor quickly from the air, thus preventing the humidity inside the container reaching dew point and condensing. Once water
vapor has been absorbed, the desiccant turns to gel and the water is retained by binding agents.

Product Feature:
TOPDRY- no leaking!
Topdry desiccants after absorbing the moisture will become gel because of the binding agent. this will eliminate the chances of water leaking out from the desiccants and damage the cargoes. Packaging: with a special system of double packing

Product Specification:
Specification: 1000g
Size: 16882 cm
Packaging: 14 pcs/ctn
Applications: shipping containers
Certifications: SGS, REACH RoHS, 100% FREE OF DMF

TOPDRY H1000 is used especially for protection of cargoes transported by sea, air and land, protecting coffee, tea, cocoa beans, sugar, spices, steel, machinery, flowers, potato seed, aluminium and many other products against moisture damage.

All Lindia Chemical TOPDRY products are 100% free of Dimethyl Fumerate (DMF), pass SGS, REACH and RoHS. Environmentally friendly and effective protection system against moisture damage, rust & fungus.

Type de l'annonce : Offre de produit

Référence de l'annonce : PSL340353YH

Référence de l'annonceur : REF-144739

Prix : 6.50-7.0

Devise : USD

Incoterm : FOB

Quantité minimum d'achat : 1

Catégorie: Plastic containers

Mots clés : desiccant | desiccant air dryer | desiccant bag | desiccant dehumidifiers | desiccant factory | desiccant for double glazing | desiccant for insulating

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