Take code from mcu R5F21226KFP

Profil : Prestataire de Service | Réf : PSL436621YH | Pays : China | Devise : USD | Incoterm : FOB | Export : Oui | Import : Non

We are a company do chip decryption. We mainly work on IC reverse analysis such as micro controller decryption, chip crack, MCU attack, DSP reverse. The chip decryption department professionally handles the work of micro controller reverse, chip decryption, GAL logic circuit crack, CPLD crack, recovery of microcode.And we can do PCB OEM, your broad can be copy with my engineer technology. If you have any need, please contact us.
– 24 MHz internal bus frequency
– Support for up to 32 interrupt/reset sources
• Memory Options
– Up to 16 KB of on-chip in-circuit programmable flash
memory with block protection and security options
– Up to 512 bytes of on-chip RAM
– 256 bytes of USB RAM
• Clock Source Options
– Clock source options include crystal, resonator, external
– MCG (multi-purpose clock generator) — PLL and FLL;
internal reference clock with trim adjustment
• System Protection
– Optional computer operating properly (COP) reset with
option to run from independent 1 kHz internal clock
source or the bus clock
– Low-voltage detection
– Illegal opcode detection with reset
– Illegal address detection with reset

Type de l'annonce : Offre de produit

Référence de l'annonce : PSL436621YH

Référence de l'annonceur : REF-204156

Prix : 10-20

Devise : USD

Incoterm : FOB

Quantité minimum d'achat : 1

Catégorie: Other electrical devices

Mots clés : chip decryption | mcu reverse | mcu attack

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