We are a company specializing in producing fabric in China.

Profil : Fabricant - Producteur | Réf : PSL412058YH | Pays : China | Devise : USD | Incoterm : FOB | Export : Non | Import : Non

We are a company specializing in producing T/T, T/C, C/C fabric in China.

Our main products are as follows, T/C 65/35 80/20 90/10 4545 13372 63” 11076 47” 63” 9672 47” 63” 8864 47” 63”,and T/C 80/20 2121 10858 63”, 2016 12060 63”, T/C 50/50 11076 63”,96*72 63”.

Our products have high quality and competitive price. They can be used for shirt, garment, bags, industry etc. We can aslo find a suitable manufacturer to do the blanching , dyeing and printing for you .

You can aslo order products with special specification .We hope to establish a long-term cooperation with you.
If you are interested in our products, pls do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to your reply.

Type de l'annonce : Offre de produit

Référence de l'annonce : PSL412058YH

Référence de l'annonceur : REF-202115

Prix : 0.1-2

Devise : USD

Incoterm : FOB

Quantité minimum d'achat : 5000

Catégorie: Mixed fiber fabrics

Mots clés : fabric and textile

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